Sunday, 4 January 2015


Ever wandered into the deep thinking zone?
Ever thought of the monotonous schedule of working your entire life and dying in the end anyways?
Ever thought of your own existence? Why do I exist? What is the purpose of my life?
                                        Well, yes this was me when I first began to understand the simple truths about life. In the transition phase I bumped into new doors everyday and every door gave me a new key that took me into a different world- a world of Self Knowledge and Self Awareness.
Well, the start I'd say was quite boring. When my mother first taught me the basics of life skills, the only reaction I gave was "HOW IMPRACTICAL!" but then She's my mother, I had to learn.
In the course of time I could acknowledge the immense power of our mind and I am still acknowledging it.
and would love to share it with everyone.
                                    Ever heard about the law of conservation of energy?
it states that,, energy cannot be created or destroyed but it can be transformed from one form to another. In the same way, We are pure souls which emit a lot of energy by the means of our thoughts. Our thoughts make our life.
We are all born here and no matter how rich or poor, how tall or short ,we are all gonna die one day, then whats the use of these hardships we face everyday? why study for 15 years and do a job, get married, have kids if it all ends up in mortality?
I had this thought in the beginning and then I was taught about the concept of KARMA.
Its not the start or the end but the Journey that matters. We individual souls are here for our own salvation and this journey is purely ours to complete. We do have a powerful tool of our THOUGHTS in our hands.
                                     Sir  Robin Sharma once quoted, "Our external life reflects our internal life". Our external life is our surroundings, our loved people, our academics etc. and our internal life is the state of our subconscious mind. Our thoughts work in a series of chains, one disturbing thought and we get more disturbed, one happy thought and we are happier the very next moment.
Our life is a result of our own thoughts. Negative thoughts lead to a negative life and Positive to a positive one.
                             Our thoughts have frequencies. They work on the principle of "LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE".  People and events on the same frequencies are attracted into our life.  People on the same thought frequencies connect better.  Our thoughts drive us to act and our actions lead to our destiny. The more positive our thoughts , the more better things happen to us. 
But its not easy to maintain calm at the heat of the moment, not easy to emit positivity all the time..
lets learn it in the blogs coming up!


  1. All life ends no matter rich or poor as you say. Which is true. I'd like to say, everything we do in life, education, work, relationships, anything at all, we do with a sense of purpose and consequence. That itself is the journey. But if it isn't going to have any consequence, how does it matter? If the journey cannot affect the destination? What does the journey matter?

  2. yes will come to that in the coming up blogposts :)
    just an intro mate!

  3. It is a blog after all. Open to the public. :* :) ;)

  4. Hey Simran! Thats a wonderful intro to ur Blogging venture! Hope that I get to read more of ur work.. All The Best! :)

  5. Every human wants to be remembered and hence a persons journey becomes important not just for himself but for all who hold on to that persons memories....after all it is only the body that dies the soul doesnt. A persons journey has an impact either directly or indirectly on some other soul perhaps in search of the same answers.
    Well done Simmo!

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  7. Brilliant. You explained the basics of Quantum Physics in a very simplified manner. For a moment i thought i'm reading a post of some well known energy management guru. Great Work. Keep it up! :)

    1. Thankyou so much dear :) am Honoured :) :) :)

  8. Always in love with this Girl's Imagination abt lyf and The Skills she has to express them in writing...awesome work Simi.\m/
    Definately Looking forward for the next lesson....

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  10. To be honest, I never knew that we had a philosopher in our midst!!!!! :-) Great work, keep it going!!!!

  11. असल में वही...
    जीवन की चाल समझता है
    सफ़र की धूल को
    जो गुलाब समझता है...
