Sunday, 11 January 2015

Karma and Reincarnations. My understanding.

why were you born to your parents and not to some movie-star?
why do u belong to a rich family and not a poor one and vice versa?
Well, these are some things we never felt like questioning inspite of having these thoughts in our minds. We somehow accepted it as this is who we are and this is where we belong. 
                   The answer to such questions can be determined by the Law of Karma-You get what you give or As you sow , so shall you reap.
        Well, as I said earlier, we are all interminable sources of energy. Our body dies a mortal death but our souls are immortal. We are put back on the earth in some form or the other. I would like to call this as "The GOD's Population Control" , where the energy is indiminishable and the souls are limited. Every soul on the earth has had N number of past lives and rebirths.
 Most of the people in our present lives are related to us due to our past life connections and past karmic accounts with them be it good or bad. 
             Are you aware of the past life- regression therapy? 
Past life regression is a technique that uses hypnosis to recover what practitioners believe are memories of past lives or incarnations, though others regard them as fantasies or delusions or a type of confabulation.
There have been CLOSE TO DEATH experiences by a few people across the world, a few mentioned that the faint images of their loved ones flashed before them, some say - they were an external entity watching their own body and their loved ones.
Well, my point being, believe it or not, we are pure souls and we are reincarnations.
Our lives are a result of our past lives. However we cannot change the past. Infact we do not remember our past lives. Hence the present life is a new book that is ours to fill with a new set of experiences and a whole new journey.
                There has always been a separate account for our good karma and bad karma. One bad deed cannot be compensated by two good deeds or four good deeds. The deeds we do today are going to affect our future. In other words: ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES.
For an example,
The day you are in a hurry to reach somewhere and it is then you reach the place the latest.
Has it ever happened to you? Ofcourse, I believe this has happened to almost everyone atleast for once. What do we do in such situation? We often blame  others and our Luck- 'Meri toh Kismat Kharab hai'.
Its not your luck that is making you suffer, its the negative thoughts that you  have radiated out at some point or the other.
Have you ever planned a revenge for someone who has hurt you in some way or the other? if yes, then don't waste your time, the next time someone hurts you, just let go and let karma play its role.
How someone treats you is their karma, how you RESPOND to it is yours.
Respond and not react?  yes, reaction is always negative and spontaneous action whereas a response is positive and thoughtful action.
                 Sakyong Mipham, the head of Shambhala bhuddist lineage has quoted, 
"Karma moves in two directions, If we act virtuously the seed we plant will result in happiness, if we act non-virtuously suffering results"
           To lead a better life , do good deeds and don't let the bad experiences demotivate your actions. 
                                          Consciousness is the defining property of Humans.It distinguishes us from other life forms. We are aware of our surroundings, we are aware of our own existence, we are rational in our decisions. Then why not use our conscience to its fullest potential. I'd say, the past is gone but this very present moment is ours to live to its fullest. How? By not thinking about the past and not fearing the future. And being totally present in this very moment . According to me our karma is affected by our thoughts. Use your thoughts to build a positive future. A positive thought is going to give you a positive karma which is inturn going to affect your present life and your next life.

                  "what goes around, comes around."

Sunday, 4 January 2015


Ever wandered into the deep thinking zone?
Ever thought of the monotonous schedule of working your entire life and dying in the end anyways?
Ever thought of your own existence? Why do I exist? What is the purpose of my life?
                                        Well, yes this was me when I first began to understand the simple truths about life. In the transition phase I bumped into new doors everyday and every door gave me a new key that took me into a different world- a world of Self Knowledge and Self Awareness.
Well, the start I'd say was quite boring. When my mother first taught me the basics of life skills, the only reaction I gave was "HOW IMPRACTICAL!" but then She's my mother, I had to learn.
In the course of time I could acknowledge the immense power of our mind and I am still acknowledging it.
and would love to share it with everyone.
                                    Ever heard about the law of conservation of energy?
it states that,, energy cannot be created or destroyed but it can be transformed from one form to another. In the same way, We are pure souls which emit a lot of energy by the means of our thoughts. Our thoughts make our life.
We are all born here and no matter how rich or poor, how tall or short ,we are all gonna die one day, then whats the use of these hardships we face everyday? why study for 15 years and do a job, get married, have kids if it all ends up in mortality?
I had this thought in the beginning and then I was taught about the concept of KARMA.
Its not the start or the end but the Journey that matters. We individual souls are here for our own salvation and this journey is purely ours to complete. We do have a powerful tool of our THOUGHTS in our hands.
                                     Sir  Robin Sharma once quoted, "Our external life reflects our internal life". Our external life is our surroundings, our loved people, our academics etc. and our internal life is the state of our subconscious mind. Our thoughts work in a series of chains, one disturbing thought and we get more disturbed, one happy thought and we are happier the very next moment.
Our life is a result of our own thoughts. Negative thoughts lead to a negative life and Positive to a positive one.
                             Our thoughts have frequencies. They work on the principle of "LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE".  People and events on the same frequencies are attracted into our life.  People on the same thought frequencies connect better.  Our thoughts drive us to act and our actions lead to our destiny. The more positive our thoughts , the more better things happen to us. 
But its not easy to maintain calm at the heat of the moment, not easy to emit positivity all the time..
lets learn it in the blogs coming up!