Thursday, 16 July 2015

Tips to develop SELF CONFIDENCE

1. Accept yourself
                 Most teens today lack acceptance. We don't accept our body, we don't accept our looks, we don't accept ourselves for what we are. Well , its not our problem. Its how we've been brought up. 
We've always been reminded about someone who is better than us , someone who is prettier than us and what not.
One thing that we must understand is everyone runs a different race, everyone undergoes different situations, everyone is unique.
Hence, Acceptance is important. Its the first step to a higher self esteem.
Once you accept yourself completely, the people around you and going to accept you completely too.
The more you accept yourself, the more you flourish.

2. Have a good SELF IMAGE
              How the world sees you is not important, how YOU see yourself is. Self image is our personal opinion about ourselves. It is our perception about us. Always see oneself full of self confidence and achieving the things one wants. Always believe that You can and you will.
Once we start seeing ourselves as a strong, independent person , our self confidence increases tremendously.

3. Never under-estimate yourself.
                                            Most people under estimate their abilities, mostly because of their past failures. Well, past failures are our stepping stones to success.
“I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.” ― Thomas A. Edison.
Its  important  to know your true potentials and that can be done by exploring the different opportunities  or challenges you face daily. 

4.  Never compare yourself.
                                      Everyone out here has a different story to tell. Don't compare your life with theirs.
Their circumstances are very different than yours. Everyone faces problems in some form or the other.
So if you are having a really tough time and your friends aren't Its absolutely OK.  Just keep working hard for yourself.

5. Detach from negative environment.
                                  Our environment, the people we are in contact with daily, play an important role in shaping our personality. If you are surrounded by a crowd of people with low self- esteem, it won't take you long to lose yours. If you are surrounded by people who are focused on their goals, it wont't take long for you to focus on yours.
If the people around you discourage you, its time to let them go. Stop investing your time and efforts in people who won't value it.
Make yourself your best investment.

6. Know your strengths and weaknesses.
                     Knowing yourself is the best tool to develop your self confidence.
Know the things you are good at, know the things you are bad at, know the things that irritate you, know the things that make you happy. Once you know yourself , you are going to work accordingly. You are going to improve. You are not going to be ashamed of your flaws and you are going to be proud of your imperfections. This will help you improve your self image and gain a lot of confidence.

 Be positive and keep improving. :)

Saturday, 13 June 2015

Success tips

Now is the moment to get up and really work for what you want, now is the moment to do what you really WANT  to do. NOW NOW NOW!!!
What better moment than NOW? The future?
Not really. Wouldn't the future be ' the present ' by the time you actually reach it?

I always emphasize on the importance of thoughts.
Thoughts + Present = Better Future.

Use every moment wisely by implementing the following -

1. Desire + Passion

Every one of us has certain long term and short term goals. However most of us take the long term ones very lightly. All you  need to do is ask yourself, " Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years?"   And " How are you planning to achieve your goals?"
Not all are going to have the undying desire to take the pain to actually work for your goals.
There are two types of people-
1. people who work passionately and are extremely focused on what they want.
2. the other who work recklessly to help the type 1 people complete their goals. i.e they work for the type 1 people
Which one are you?

Is only desire enough?
Not every desire is fulfilled unless its worked upon with endless passion.
Passion is a quality that keeps you going. Its the innate, compelling emotion of  achieving what you want no matter how hard be it.

Hence, always Work your desires with endless passion.

2. Time.
Time and Tide waits for none, a stitch in time saves nine. so many proverbs we have written essays on. Did we actually act on it?
Time is the only capital a human being has and only thing he can't afford to lose - Thomas Edison
Any activity practiced over a long time gives us an expertise in it.
Time perfects us.
Hence use your time wisely now and reap the benefits in future.

3. Setting out our priorities.

There are a number of things you do daily, out of which some are unwanted and some are absolutely necessary while the others are not important right now but are important in the near future.
Not all of us are very patient to put in regular efforts.
Setting your priorities help you focus on your short term as well as long term goals.
Most of the self help books do recommend this habit for success As it helps you to actually get what you want. Always strive for a balance between your leisure time and your study time etc.
You cannot achieve anything if you just study 12-14 hours a day without proper breaks and other activities.
Hence list out your priorities and start working.

4. Self Discipline.

Most of the people can be very good till step 3 i.e - setting their priorities , however most of them lack the ability to actually stick to them and work accordingly.
Its easier to list out our priorities but we can never actually implement them without self discipline.
Well, when you know what you really want to do with your life, Self discipline is just another habit.
Sir Robin Sharma calls it TOUGH LOVE. As we have to be strict with ourselves so that life's a little easy on us.
Prepare a time table consisting of the tasks or hobbies you want to cultivate and give specific time to each. Follow it for over a week and analyse yourself weekly. List out the things you've missed and add on some corrections to your time table.
And Over time you'll truly master whatever you wanted.

5. Learn to say NO

Always learn to say NO to things that are really not helping you grow.
You may have a bunch of friends who won't let you invest your time on yourself, or you may be into too much gaming etc.
Learn to say NO to such things right now so that you can enjoy them later.

6. Will power

In order to achieve anything your Will power is the thing that won't let you quit. Some people are so eager to achieve their goal that their will power helps them to persist in extreme situations. They could stay up all night without tea or coffee and have full dedication to their work. They would not watch TV or check their Whtsapp for days and still not feel the urge to waste their time.
Will power won't let you QUIT.

7. Dedication and Focus

Always be focused on what you need and how you need  your life to be.
There are ups and downs in everyone's life. You cannot focus on your downs and stop working for your better future. Always focus on the bright side of your dreams and work hard with full dedication to achieve it. Nothing in life is constant , not even your troubles.
Things might seem too hard right now but every cloud has a silver lining.
These harsh things are going to brush your skills and make you worthy enough of your life goals.

8. Believe in yourself.

Always believe in yourself no matter what.
What you think of yourself is way more important than what people think of you.
How you picture yourself is way more important than how people picture you.
You know yourself the best. Never stop believing in yourself and the beauty of your dreams.

Good Luck!

Friday, 27 March 2015

The Past.

Have you ever been troubled by the past?
It may be the past incidents, past relationships,  past mistakes, or the  risks you din't take.
Well, most people don't really learn from the past.
We keep the past in our minds just to remind ourselves- how stupid we have been and then what?
we let the past haunt us for a lifetime. Often the past comes to us as flashbacks leading to overthinking and "I don't know what to do with my life anymore , am such a loser" feeling.

Well, Here are some ways that can help :)

1. Acceptance

Most of us don't want to accept our mistakes. Our ego doesn't allow that, does it?
It says- How can I make such a mistake? Am the elder one here,  I cannot be wrong, what are the people going to say?
Its a never ending blame game!
Ego is just a social mask. You need not energize it and slowly it'll drain away.

All you need to do is just relax, close your eyes and talk to yourself.
"Yes I have made mistakes. Its okay. I forgive myself. It won't happen Next time. I learnt a lesson
Thankyou Nature"

We are not born wise or perfect. It's absolutely Normal to make mistakes. Whats not normal is NOT making mistakes. Being stagnant by the fear of being hurt or failing is worse than actually facing things and learning. Stagnancy is a lifetime regret.
We are all humans. We learn, we adapt and we grow.
Its like Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection which says ONLY  the Fittest of all survives.
Likewise, only the ones who learn survive and do wonders.
Always keep the lessons in mind and not the pain.

2. Let go

After the self help talk. Its time to let go off the burden. It was never yours to bear.
Its like letting go off the balloon and not having to wait for it to come back. The past doesnt Affects you anymore, You have moved on.
Also, one can be occupied by acting on future goals to be accomplished.

3. Live in the moment.

One cannot set his journey to the future if he has his feet still in the past.
Most won't use our thoughts and reasoning and rather look up to people to advice us, which is fine but what's not fine is not acting on it.
We'll ask a lot of people, make ourselves feel good about the advice and perhaps, we'll someday start following it, SOMEDAY
Gods of Procastination!

We forget that our power to change our thoughts lies merely with us.
WE ARE OUR MASTERS. WE are the Heroes.
Our thoughts start as a chain reaction. They are reactive as a free radical. One sad thought and bang.. there we are in the Lost zone.
Thoughts decides our feelings, and feelings tell us on what frequency we are on.
Good thoughts always Uplift our frequencies.
When you feel low,  Deliberately Uplift your feelings and your frequencies as you only attract people with the similar frequencies in your life.
Hence Simplest way to avoid Complexity is to live for now and Live in the now.
Think about your priority this very moment and focus on it.
Now is the time you can change yourself and your whole life.
Exciting isn't it?

4. Never lose hope.

 You were supposed to achieve some target and you couldn't do that. Feels like a failure.
Now you think you are dumbest person ever. Look at all your friends and then look at you.
You have had a rough break up because someone left you or cheated on you
now you think the people are jerks and mean

uh-oh mate! Don't run to the conclusions so soon. Let them come to you.
Firstly, Don't ever quit on yourself. Just get clear with your priorities and work hard and be confident.
Life's a bigger test than your examiner can ever set.

Secondly, no need to get into a "I hate everyone" box.
Rather, explore the people around you. Everyone has something that can be learnt.
People are beautiful.

And also, if you wanted to take risks in the past about your career etc and were afraid to take them, because you din't want to fail, well then grab the very next opportunity you get.

And don't lose hope just keep going.

5. Enjoy the journey

Life's full of ups and downs. Guess what? Its the Ups and downs that keep us going.
The downs give us a new perspective and the ups groom our personality.

Theres Such a big wide universe out there, billions of people out there,
Our problems are just too tiny when compared.
At this very moment, some of you are reading my article, some one out there might be dying,
the soldiers are on the borders keeping us safe, and what not.
Infact after facing different situations you'll realize that it was just waste of time for having spent so much energy thinking about them.

Its all about enjoying your life.
Let the past not break you but let it instill in you the good virtues to make you.

Sunday, 11 January 2015

Karma and Reincarnations. My understanding.

why were you born to your parents and not to some movie-star?
why do u belong to a rich family and not a poor one and vice versa?
Well, these are some things we never felt like questioning inspite of having these thoughts in our minds. We somehow accepted it as this is who we are and this is where we belong. 
                   The answer to such questions can be determined by the Law of Karma-You get what you give or As you sow , so shall you reap.
        Well, as I said earlier, we are all interminable sources of energy. Our body dies a mortal death but our souls are immortal. We are put back on the earth in some form or the other. I would like to call this as "The GOD's Population Control" , where the energy is indiminishable and the souls are limited. Every soul on the earth has had N number of past lives and rebirths.
 Most of the people in our present lives are related to us due to our past life connections and past karmic accounts with them be it good or bad. 
             Are you aware of the past life- regression therapy? 
Past life regression is a technique that uses hypnosis to recover what practitioners believe are memories of past lives or incarnations, though others regard them as fantasies or delusions or a type of confabulation.
There have been CLOSE TO DEATH experiences by a few people across the world, a few mentioned that the faint images of their loved ones flashed before them, some say - they were an external entity watching their own body and their loved ones.
Well, my point being, believe it or not, we are pure souls and we are reincarnations.
Our lives are a result of our past lives. However we cannot change the past. Infact we do not remember our past lives. Hence the present life is a new book that is ours to fill with a new set of experiences and a whole new journey.
                There has always been a separate account for our good karma and bad karma. One bad deed cannot be compensated by two good deeds or four good deeds. The deeds we do today are going to affect our future. In other words: ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES.
For an example,
The day you are in a hurry to reach somewhere and it is then you reach the place the latest.
Has it ever happened to you? Ofcourse, I believe this has happened to almost everyone atleast for once. What do we do in such situation? We often blame  others and our Luck- 'Meri toh Kismat Kharab hai'.
Its not your luck that is making you suffer, its the negative thoughts that you  have radiated out at some point or the other.
Have you ever planned a revenge for someone who has hurt you in some way or the other? if yes, then don't waste your time, the next time someone hurts you, just let go and let karma play its role.
How someone treats you is their karma, how you RESPOND to it is yours.
Respond and not react?  yes, reaction is always negative and spontaneous action whereas a response is positive and thoughtful action.
                 Sakyong Mipham, the head of Shambhala bhuddist lineage has quoted, 
"Karma moves in two directions, If we act virtuously the seed we plant will result in happiness, if we act non-virtuously suffering results"
           To lead a better life , do good deeds and don't let the bad experiences demotivate your actions. 
                                          Consciousness is the defining property of Humans.It distinguishes us from other life forms. We are aware of our surroundings, we are aware of our own existence, we are rational in our decisions. Then why not use our conscience to its fullest potential. I'd say, the past is gone but this very present moment is ours to live to its fullest. How? By not thinking about the past and not fearing the future. And being totally present in this very moment . According to me our karma is affected by our thoughts. Use your thoughts to build a positive future. A positive thought is going to give you a positive karma which is inturn going to affect your present life and your next life.

                  "what goes around, comes around."

Sunday, 4 January 2015


Ever wandered into the deep thinking zone?
Ever thought of the monotonous schedule of working your entire life and dying in the end anyways?
Ever thought of your own existence? Why do I exist? What is the purpose of my life?
                                        Well, yes this was me when I first began to understand the simple truths about life. In the transition phase I bumped into new doors everyday and every door gave me a new key that took me into a different world- a world of Self Knowledge and Self Awareness.
Well, the start I'd say was quite boring. When my mother first taught me the basics of life skills, the only reaction I gave was "HOW IMPRACTICAL!" but then She's my mother, I had to learn.
In the course of time I could acknowledge the immense power of our mind and I am still acknowledging it.
and would love to share it with everyone.
                                    Ever heard about the law of conservation of energy?
it states that,, energy cannot be created or destroyed but it can be transformed from one form to another. In the same way, We are pure souls which emit a lot of energy by the means of our thoughts. Our thoughts make our life.
We are all born here and no matter how rich or poor, how tall or short ,we are all gonna die one day, then whats the use of these hardships we face everyday? why study for 15 years and do a job, get married, have kids if it all ends up in mortality?
I had this thought in the beginning and then I was taught about the concept of KARMA.
Its not the start or the end but the Journey that matters. We individual souls are here for our own salvation and this journey is purely ours to complete. We do have a powerful tool of our THOUGHTS in our hands.
                                     Sir  Robin Sharma once quoted, "Our external life reflects our internal life". Our external life is our surroundings, our loved people, our academics etc. and our internal life is the state of our subconscious mind. Our thoughts work in a series of chains, one disturbing thought and we get more disturbed, one happy thought and we are happier the very next moment.
Our life is a result of our own thoughts. Negative thoughts lead to a negative life and Positive to a positive one.
                             Our thoughts have frequencies. They work on the principle of "LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE".  People and events on the same frequencies are attracted into our life.  People on the same thought frequencies connect better.  Our thoughts drive us to act and our actions lead to our destiny. The more positive our thoughts , the more better things happen to us. 
But its not easy to maintain calm at the heat of the moment, not easy to emit positivity all the time..
lets learn it in the blogs coming up!