Monday, 11 April 2016

Success tips 2

WHO doesn't want success? who wants to live average?
Is only talent enough for success?
Hard work beats Talent  if Talent doesn't work hard,

1. Goal setting
            It is very important to set a goal. A LIFE GOAL! What you want to do with your life, where do you see yourself in the next 5 years or 10 years and what not.
Not working for any goal is as good as merely existing.
Don't just set life goals. Divide your goals, into monthly goals, weekly goals, daily goals.
Take a book. Think! Start writing.

2. Time table
Set up a fixed routine. FOLLOW it. BECOME AN EARLY BIRD.
Adjust if needed.

3. Analysis
Analyze yourself. Your weakness, your strength, your emotions.
Improve and grow.

4. Make a vision board. or a dream book
Whatever long time or short time goals you want to achieve. write them down on a paper in a big handwriting. decorate it. paste pictures. Write them in a book or on a bulletin board.
Making a vision board  makes you positive and focused on your goals.
Remember to write all Positive Points about your personality too.
Here's mine.

5. Pray.
Make time to calm your mind and thank GOD for the amazing gift of life...
Praying sets our frequencies on a higher point.
We feel energized.

Try implementing these for now. We'll work on more tips later.
Thanks. Do follow.